Wednesday 20 August 2008

German birth rate increasing - highest level since 2000

Interesting article in the German online edition of the FAZ today: "Frauen bekommen wieder mehr Kinder" (Women give birth to more children). The birth rate increased from last year to this one from 1.33 children per woman to 1.37 children per woman.

Of course there is some speculation on reasons, as well. To me it reads rather simple: There has been less economic panicking last year and this year (so far), politics seem to run ok without big turmoils - in other words: people have some more trust in stability and their individual situation. This gives them some more certainty regarding their decision to have children.

I am really convinced that stability and some level of trust in the economic situation - both of the society in total and of ones own - is the most critical element nowadays for people to decide whether to have children or not. All the rest may be nice add-ons, but a lot less decisive.

And what's funny about that all in our mass-media democracy: last year everyone was lamenting that the birth rate was going down and down without hope and that the demographic pyramid was completely topsy turvy loosing all base for a healthy society. So here we go: give people trust and provide a healthy environment and they will take the right decisions.

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